Generally, the more involved people become in the life and activities of UU Santa Fe, the richer their experience. But finding a way "in" can sometimes be difficult, especially if you don't know many people. One way to get involved and be of service is to share your special talents and interests. Please take a few minutes to let us know the kinds of activities you're interested in. The information that you enter here will be for church community use only, and your privacy will be respected.
Please indicate those of most interest to you.
Please select all that apply.
Worship (usher on Sunday morning, set up Fogelson Hall for Sunday morning services (chairs, candles, flowers), work with the Worship Team to create and organize lay-led Sunday Services, train for and serve as a Worship Associate)
Music and Performance (perform music on Sunday mornings, participate in dance or drama services, work on the crew (sets, lights, props, etc.))
Please select all that apply.
Fundraising (goods and service Auction (winter), book sale (fall), mega sale (spring), other events
Stewardship (annual pledge drive/canvass (winter), assist in planned giving campaign)
Financial oversight and support
Denominational Awareness (work with programs in the UUA Pacific Western Region, attend UUA General Assembly in June, attend district or regional gatherings)
Communications & Publicity (website support, assist with the weekly emailed newsletter, photography for the website/publications, outreach to news media, manage information booths at street fairs, such as Plaza Community Day)
Facilities (carpentry or painting, cleaning (occasional work parties), plumbing or electrical work, landscape planning/planting (seasonal), grounds maintenance (occasional)
Information Technology (videography/editing services and special events, work with sound systems, computer technical support)